How to train our mind to be power?


So today menyempat je join online coaching dengan mentor sekejap walaupun tengah hadap write up yang tak berkesudahan tu. Lol I wanna muntah for the 6th time already.

Topik kali ni agak menarik which is how to train our mind to be power.

Kadang kita akan rasa down kan? Ha ada cara sebenarnya untuk kita bangun balik and be more positif.

Kalau kita rasa letih and tak boleh go on, just baring for a while. Take 5 - 10 minutes nap. Refresh ourselves. Sambil sambil tu remind ourselves about our dreams and say again our affirmations.

Affirmations are so important! Kena ulang tiap tiap hari tau sebab kita nak firm kan dalam subsconcious mind kita.

For example the affirmations are:
"I am healthy"
"I am happy"
"I am wealthy"
"I am successful"
"I am safe, protected and lucky all the time"
"I am strong"
"I am the best"

Affirmations also act as doa. Macam hang suka someone and nak dia jadi jodoh hang, mestilah tiap-tiap hari hang doa kan? So the affirmations act like a doa. Hang sebut je tiap tiap hari, and start to be the one. Nak jadi the best tapi usaha takdak, amboi amboi amboiiiiii.

Say it and do it. Nak jadi the best in what? Content marketing? Sales and recruitment? Anything. You need to believe in yourself. Kalau hang pun tak percaya kat diri sendiri, macam mana orang lain nak percaya kat hang?

Never say never. Mana boleh give up lagi. Just try one more again.

Tanya diri sendiri betul betul. What do you really want in life now? Hang nak apa sebenarnya? Write it down.

And one more thing, if money is not a problem, what is your dreams?

Jangan takut untuk bermimpi sebab dengan mimpi tu lah kita boleh train our mind to be so powerful. Believe we have the potential to achieve whatever we want and just do it.

Tahun 2020 dah nak masuk dah. Kita nak achieve apa?

Zulaikha Mohd


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