How to be positive?


How to be positive? 

A tough question. No one will stay positive all the time. Hang manusia, bukan robot,lol. Nak positive all the time is impossible. Ada masa kita akan rasa sedih, down, nak marah, hopeless a bit, nak keluar air mata. Kan? eleleleee jangan nak tipu hang tak rasa semua tu. Debik kang. 

Personally, what I do to be positive is that I accept my flaws and myself. Yes I am not perfect. I am imperfect. And I accept that. I don't fight with anyone. I don't want to and I don't have to. 

Kalau nak nangis, nangis je. 
Kalau nak sedih, sedih je.
Kalau nak maki orang, istighfar. setan tengah sedap cucuk tu. Buang masa je hang marah orang. Tapi kalau dah tak boleh accept sangat, hang bagi je sebijik. Baru ada akai. Eh!
Kalau nak time alone, just be alone. 
Just be you. You don't have to be anyone else. 

Time down tu lah paling kena banyak cakap benda positif kat diri sendiri. 
I always say to myself
"It's okay zulaikha. Try one more time. Sikit je lagi. You can do it. Legend mana boleh putus asa. He's trying to make you stronger. You can do it" 

Don't limit yourself just because of your current situation right now. Maybe lah sekarang ni kita tengah tak ada duit berkepuk dalam bank ke, tak de aset lagi ke, tak de pasangan hidup lagi ke. It's okay. Totally okay. Kita usaha sungguh sungguh, doa betul betul and let Allah do the rest. 

After all, Allah is always with us. Kita je yang asyik lupa Dia. Kan? *dush* 

So how to be positive?
1. Remind yourself about your big WHY
2. Say positive words only to yourself
3. Dengar lagu positive jangan nak tibai lagu putus cinta!
4. Have a good circle of friends. Yang boleh ketuk hang bagi sedar sikit and also give good advice.
5. Lastly, turn to Him. Sujud lama sikit masa solat and just say everything to Him. He is the Best Listener. 

I know it's hard. But, a champion will not give up. Okay?

Till then, stay strong and be positive. 

Zulaikha Mohd 


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